Ok, I have not really used the app, except for the sample deck that comes with it, and a few cards I created as I went through most of the help videos on how to use the app. Overall, I am really pleased with the app.
I would love to rate it higher, but it crashed on me three times. I think the problem has something to do with iCloud Drive. I think if the dev(s) recoded the app so that we are no longer presented with the preliminary window it may solve this problem. As users, I think we know how to navigate the Open Dialog window to get to our flashcard deck of choice, and access to the sample card deck could be placed on the Help Menu. I do not choose to be harsh, but I am short for time righ now, and I could not think of any other way to express myself. My sincere apologies!
But as I am creating my first deck, I am allowed to nest folders (topics) within folders, which really supports my workflow. But so far, what I really love about this app is the way it allows me to format my cards, as if I were using a word processing app. It’s amazingly similar!
The only thing I wish it had was the ability to Quick Look our added images. All of my images are heavily annotated, and it helps if I can use Quick Look to view the details of my annotations on any cards I am studying that have one of my images added to them.
Thanks for the app. I did rate it four stars initially, but I remembered about the problem with the crashing issue, so I am willing to update the rating once that is fixed, or at least until I complete my deck and have a more complete user experience when I begin to study it.
EnergyColors about Flashcard Hero